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A Symbolic Gesture: School Board President Swears In On Banned Books

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Swearing-in ceremonies for government officials are typically solemn affairs, marked by the official placing their hand on a religious text or the constitution. However, the newly elected president of the Central Bucks school board in Pennsylvania took a different route. She decided to make a symbolic gesture by placing her hand on a stack of frequently banned books instead. This bold move was meant to signal a new direction for the board, previously embroiled in controversy over restrictive library book policies and promoting neutrality in the classroom.

A Stand Against Book Banning

The new president, formerly a member of the minority Democratic party on the previous GOP-dominated board, had been an outspoken critic of the policies leading to the bans of two books and challenges to 60 others. The books she chose for her ceremonial swearing-in held personal significance. One of these books, "Night" by Elie Wiesel, was a nod to a controversy surrounding a policy banning staff from advocating beliefs to students. The school had instructed a librarian to remove a quote from Wiesel's book, which highlighted the importance of speaking out against suffering and oppression.

Championing Diversity and Inclusion

Another book in the stack was "The Bluest Eye" by Toni Morrison, a target of community members who claimed the district was harboring pornography in its libraries. The president underlined the value of the book in offering support and validation for sexual abuse survivors. Other books in the stack included "Lily and Dunkin" by Donna Gephart, "All Boys Aren't Blue" by George M. Johnson, "Flamer" by Mike Curato, and "Beyond Magenta" by Susan Kuklin. Each book symbolized a different facet of diversity and inclusion, challenging the notion that certain topics should be censored or hidden from students.

A Wave of Online Support and Criticism

The president's unconventional swearing-in ceremony sparked attention online, with many commending her bold and symbolic gesture. However, she downplayed the significance, stating that she hadn't deliberated too deeply and was taken aback by the online response. She stressed that her primary goal was advocating for students' freedom to read and ensuring diverse voices and experiences were represented in the school district.

Rolling Back Controversial Policies

The new Democratic-controlled board wasted no time in reversing the contentious policies implemented by the previous board. In their inaugural meeting, they voted to suspend the policies restricting library books, as well as those relating to teacher advocacy and transgender athletes. The board also authorized potential legal action regarding the former superintendent's $700,000 payout, criticized for being excessive.

Community Reactions to Change

Those who backed the new board hailed the swearing-in ceremony as a move towards positive change. They expressed relief that the erstwhile divisive and discriminatory policies would no longer be in effect, hoping for a more inclusive and respectful school environment. However, there were also dissenting voices, with supporters of the previous board expressing concerns about potential mob behavior and the influence of union money in backing the new board. These differing views underscore the ongoing partisan divide and the challenges the new board faces in navigating the diverse opinions within the community. The new president's symbolic gesture during her swearing-in ceremony has underscored the importance of freedom to read and the need for diverse voices in education. The swift actions of the new Democratic-controlled board in reversing controversial policies indicate a shift towards inclusivity and respect. However, navigating the ongoing partisan divide within the community remains a challenge.
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