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A New Symbol Set to Take Flight in NYC

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New York City is famed for its iconic symbols, from the Statue of Liberty to the Empire State Building. A new emblem may soon take the spotlight on the city's west side: a colossal 16-foot-tall pigeon sculpture. The creation of Colombian artist Iván Argote, the sculpture, aptly titled "Dinosaur," will be mounted atop the High Line elevated park in October, where it will remain on view for 18 months.

Challenging the Norms of Public Art

Argote's hyper-realist aluminum sculpture pushes the boundaries of traditional public art and monuments. The name "Dinosaur" not only alludes to the sculpture's colossal scale but also pays homage to the pigeon's ancestors who once ruled the earth. Argote draws a parallel between the extinction of dinosaurs and the potential extermination of humans, suggesting that relics of humanity may persist in the recesses and gaps of future worlds, much like pigeons do in New York City's bustling streets.

The Pigeon: An Iconic New Yorker

The choice of a pigeon as the sculpture's subject is intentional. Pigeons, like many New Yorkers, are not native to the region and were brought to the city by European settlers in the 17th century. Today, the city's pigeon population is thought to outnumber the human population, with around nine million birds compared to nearly eight million people. Argote's sculpture aims to upend the negative view of pigeons as "rats with wings" and instead encourages viewers to perceive them as quintessential New Yorkers.

Merging Art and Reality on the High Line Plinth

The High Line Plinth, where "Dinosaur" will be stationed, is a rotating platform for showcasing large contemporary art pieces. "Dinosaur" is the fourth commission for the Plinth, succeeding works by Pamela Rosenkranz, Simone Leigh, and Sam Durant. The sculpture will be mounted on a concrete pedestal designed to resemble the sidewalks and buildings where pigeons typically rest, further blurring the line between art and reality.

A New Perspective on the Familiar

Cecilia Alemani, the director and chief curator of High Line Art, lauds Argote's knack for transforming something ordinary, like a pigeon, into a subject for deep contemplation. Argote's sculpture adds a critical yet humorous lens to the ongoing discourse on public art, challenging viewers to rethink their feelings towards pigeons.

Public Art Igniting Community Conversations

The placement of "Dinosaur" coincides with a time when public art is increasingly vital in fostering community spirit and sparking dialogues. By situating a giant pigeon sculpture in a prominent public space, Argote aims to evoke a strange mixture of attraction, allure, and fear among New York's inhabitants. The sculpture serves as a reminder of the ever-evolving nature of cities and the potential for unexpected beauty and symbolism in the urban landscape.

Inviting Reflection and Dialogue

As New Yorkers and visitors alike encounter "Dinosaur" on the High Line, they are encouraged to see pigeons in a new light and ponder their own role in the world. The sculpture challenges preconceived notions, blurs the lines between art and reality, and invites viewers to participate in a dialogue about the power of public art and the resilience of urban wildlife.

Transformative Power of Art

In a city known for its iconic symbols, "Dinosaur" is poised to leave a lasting impression. It bears witness to the transformative power of art to alter our perception of the world and ignite discussions about our shared humanity. As Argote's monumental pigeon takes its perch above the High Line, it beckons us to reevaluate the familiar and discover beauty in the unexpected.
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