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Major UK Parties Embroiled in Betting Scandal

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The British Conservative Party has withdrawn support from two parliamentary candidates due to ongoing internal inquiries regarding alleged bets placed on the timing of a July 4 national election. A close aide to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, had previously apologized for placing a bet on when the election would occur. The scandal expanded last week when it was reported that the Gambling Commission was investigating allegations of improper betting by another candidate and her husband, the party's campaign director.

Conservative Party's Response to Scandal

The decision to withdraw support for the two candidates comes as the party faces increased scrutiny surrounding the gambling scandal. The Gambling Commission is conducting an investigation into the allegations, and the Met has confirmed that five police officers have been identified in connection with the case. This development has further overshadowed Rishi Sunak's election campaign, with the party attempting to draw a line under the scandal.

Labour Party Faces Similar Accusations

The Labour Party has also been drawn into the gambling row, as the Gambling Commission launched an investigation into a candidate. Labour has suspended the candidate and announced that it will return the money he donated to the party under the current leadership. Furthermore, the shadow health secretary, will give back money donated for staffing costs. Another Labour candidate, has yet to respond regarding the donation made by the suspended candidate earlier this year.

Scottish Secretary Under Scrutiny

The Scottish Secretary, Alister Jack, has also faced scrutiny regarding his alleged bets on the general election date. Jack initially claimed to have won over £2,000 from betting on June and July election dates. However, he later dismissed these claims as a joke and stated that he did not place any bets on the election date during May. The Gambling Commission is currently investigating the matter and has not confirmed or denied the identity of any individuals involved.

Implications for the Conservative Party

The gambling scandal has had significant implications for the Conservative Party, with at least two party officials taking leave of absence from headquarters. The party's decision to drop the two candidates as candidates is an attempt to address the issue and demonstrate their commitment to upholding high standards for parliamentary candidates. However, the investigation is ongoing, and the party has confirmed that the candidates' membership has not been suspended at this time.

The gambling scandal surrounding the British Conservative Party continues to unfold, with the withdrawal of support for two parliamentary candidates and ongoing investigations by the Gambling Commission and the Met. The Labour Party has also been affected, suspending a candidate and returning donations. The implications of this scandal for the parties involved and the broader political landscape remain to be seen. As the general election approaches, it is clear that the issue of gambling and integrity will be at the forefront of voters' minds and may have long-lasting effects on the political landscape.

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