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Coordinated Attacks in Dagestani Religious Sites

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A series of coordinated attacks have been launched on a synagogue, an Orthodox church, and a police post in the Russian republic of Dagestan, leading to the tragic deaths of at least six police officers and a priest. These attacks occurred in the cities of Derbent and Makhachkala, wounding 12 people in total. The synagogue in Derbent was set ablaze, while smoke was seen emerging from the church. Two of the attackers have been eliminated, with efforts underway to establish their identities.

Unprecedented Attack in a Region Marred by Conflict

Although Dagestan, a primarily Muslim region in the North Caucasus, has been tormented by separatist violence in the past, this kind of coordinated assault on civilian religious infrastructure is highly atypical and has sent shockwaves across Russia. Unlike its neighbor Chechnya, which has witnessed two brutal wars between Russian forces and separatists, the region hasn't experienced this level of conflict before.

Israel Condemns Attacks on Synagogues

In response to the attacks, the Israeli foreign ministry has labeled them as a "combined attack" on synagogues. The synagogue in Derbent was completely razed by the fire, leading to the loss of local guards. The synagogue in Makhachkala was also under attack, although the specifics remain unclear at this time. Thankfully, no worshipers were present in the synagogues during the attacks, and no casualties have been reported from the Jewish community.

Response and Countermeasures by Local Authorities

Condemning the attacks, Sergey Melikov, the head of the Republic of Dagestan, has confirmed that efforts to identify the attackers are underway. An operational headquarters has been established, and a counteroperation named "Interception" is currently in progress. In his statement, Melikov urged the public to stay calm, emphasizing that the attackers hoped to incite panic and fear, a response they will not receive from the people of Dagestan.

Terror Investigation Launched

The Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Republic of Dagestan has initiated a terror investigation into the incidents. All the circumstances surrounding the incidents and the individuals involved are being probed, with their actions set to undergo a legal evaluation.

Urgent Need for Vigilance

These attacks underscore the ongoing security challenges in the region and the need for constant vigilance against terrorism. It is crucial for the authorities to persist their investigations and take the necessary measures to prevent future attacks. The assault on civilian religious establishments also raises concerns about the potential targeting of vulnerable communities and the need for heightened protection and support.

This incident in Dagestan, resulting in the deaths of police officers and a priest and causing significant damage to religious sites, is a reminder of the ongoing security challenges in the region. With the identity of the attackers yet to be established and a terror investigation in progress, it is clear that there is an urgent need for continuous efforts to combat terrorism. It is imperative for the authorities to prioritize the safety and protection of all communities, irrespective of their religious or ethnic backgrounds.

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