Jerry Seinfeld's directorial debut, "Unfrosted," has generated mixed reviews and a divided reaction from critics. The film, which tells the fictional origin story of Pop-Tarts, features a star-studded cast including Melissa McCarthy, Jim Gaffigan, Hugh Grant, Amy Schumer, and more. Some critics have praised the film for its over-the-top humor and nostalgic nods to the 1960s, while others have criticized it for its lackluster jokes and reliance on celebrity cameos.
The film centers around a fictional rivalry between cereal giants Kellogg's and Post as they race to create the ultimate breakfast pastry. Jerry Seinfeld plays Bob Cabana, a Kellogg's executive, who recruits the help of his former partner Donna Stankowski (played by Melissa McCarthy) to perfect the new product. Along the way, they encounter a colorful cast of characters, including famous TV actors parodying recognizable TV characters.
While some critics have found the film's humor to be hit-or-miss, others have praised Seinfeld's direction and the film's period detail. The San Francisco Chronicle commends Seinfeld's ability as a director, noting his skill in pacing and capturing the essence of the 1960s. The Washington Post describes the film as "ephemeral, edible, enjoyable, forgettable," highlighting its decent hit-to-miss joke ratio.
However, not all reviews have been positive. The Chicago Sun-Times calls the film "one of the decade's worst movies," criticizing its lack of laughs and hacky jokes. The Daily Beast describes it as "as bad as you'd expect," noting its lack of memorability. The Daily Globe and Mail compares it to a long-lost '90s SNL feature, with jokes so hacky that even Kenny Bania wouldn't touch them.
Despite the mixed reviews, the film has sparked conversation and debate among audiences. Pop-Tarts, the brand at the center of the film, even released a satirical short film in response to Seinfeld's movie. The short film humorously addresses Seinfeld's use of trademarked breakfast products without permission and features a confrontation between Seinfeld and the president of Pop-Tarts.
"Unfrosted" has received a range of reviews, with some critics praising its humor and nostalgic appeal, while others criticize its lackluster jokes and reliance on celebrity cameos. Regardless of the reviews, the film has sparked conversation and created a memorable moment for Pop-Tarts. Whether or not audiences will embrace the film remains to be seen, but it is clear that Seinfeld's directorial debut has left a lasting impression.