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Devastating Flash Floods in Afghanistan Cause Widespread Destruction

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Heavy seasonal rains in Afghanistan have triggered flash floods, leading to the deaths of over 300 people and the destruction of thousands of homes, as reported by United Nations officials. The floods have also displaced thousands of individuals and swallowed entire villages. The province of Baghlan has been particularly affected, with the death toll expected to rise. Most of those who perished were women and children. The U.N. World Food Program estimates that at least 2,000 homes have been destroyed in the province.

Baghlan Province: The Epicenter of Destruction

The flooding began on Friday afternoon and continued into the evening, causing chaos in Baghlan Province. A tribal elder, painted a terrifying picture as rain poured down and a torrent of water rushed down a nearby mountain towards his village. He managed to grab his wife and two children and escape to a higher ground, alerting other villagers as he fled. Unfortunately, his 30-year-old niece and her two young daughters were swept away by the floodwaters.

Damage Spreads Across Provinces

Beyond Baghlan, the floods have also claimed a life in the eastern province of Badakhshan. The disaster management department in Badakhshan reported the destruction of homes, small dams, and bridges, as well as the loss of 2,000 livestock.

Rescue Efforts and Appeal for Aid

The Taliban government has mobilized all available resources to rescue people, transport the injured, and recover the deceased. The country's air force has already begun evacuating individuals in Baghlan and has rescued numerous people trapped in flooded areas. An urgent call has been made to the international community to provide immediate aid and long-term planning to address the climate crisis and mitigate the impact of such disasters in the future.

Salma Ben Aissa, Afghanistan director for the International Rescue Committee, underlined the catastrophic effects of the floods on communities and livelihoods. She strongly urged world leaders and international donors to prioritize support for Afghanistan during this crisis.

Recurring Natural Disasters Amplify Challenges

The recent floods compound the challenges faced by Afghanistan, which has already been hit by a series of earthquakes and severe flooding earlier this year. The destruction of infrastructure, including roads and power lines, worsens the difficulties faced by affected communities.

Urgent Need for Solidarity and Support

The flash floods in Afghanistan have resulted in significant loss of life, destruction of homes, and displacement of thousands of individuals. Immediate aid and long-term planning are crucial to address the climate crisis and mitigate the impact of future disasters. It's imperative that the international community stands in solidarity with Afghanistan during these turbulent times and support efforts to rebuild and strengthen the affected communities.

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