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Justin Fields: Rising Star at The Pittsburgh Steelers Training Camp

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The Pittsburgh Steelers' training camp has experienced a change in dynamics with starting quarterback Russell Wilson temporarily out due to a calf injury. Seizing the opportunity, rookie Justin Fields has been displaying his abilities with the first-team offense. Despite showing promise, Fields needs to refine certain aspects to secure his position as a franchise quarterback.

First Week Performance: A Mixed Bag

Fields' performance in the initial week of training camp has seen both highs and lows. His deep ball accuracy and agility to dodge pass rushers have been impressive. Nevertheless, he needs to work on maintaining consistency. During the Seven Shots drill, Fields completed only one out of three pass attempts. Despite this, his ability to check down, survey the field, and make a pass in traffic for a touchdown reveals his potential.

Consistency: The Key Challenge

Fields' consistency issues were noticeable during the deep red zone drill, where he had multiple passes blocked due to inaccurate throws. He also missed open receivers or made poor reads on occasion. These instances underline his shortcomings and indicate a need for improving his decision-making and precision.

Teammate Praise and Valuable Practice

Fields' performance has won him admiration from his teammate Wilson, who praised his competitiveness and performance during practice. Wilson's absence has provided Fields with valuable first-team reps, which are helping him refine his skills and gain experience. Although Fields may not be ready to assume the role of a franchise quarterback yet, Wilson's leadership and presence have been a positive influence on the team.

Impressive Downfield Throws, but Room for Improvement

Fields' arm strength and ability to make downfield throws have been commendable. He has displayed his talent by completing deep passes to his receivers, hitting them in stride and overcoming a muddied pocket. Nonetheless, Fields needs to enhance his short-game accuracy and placement, and prevent his passes from being batted down.

A Small Sample Size

With only two days of practice without pads, the evaluation of Fields' performance is based on a limited sample size. His statistics during these two days may not provide a comprehensive picture, as there have been instances where his receivers could have made the plays but failed to do so. His low completion rate indicates a need for greater consistency.

Early Days Yet

Drawing conclusions from Fields' performance in training camp at this stage would be premature. While he has impressed with his arm strength and decision-making, he has a long journey ahead to become a franchise quarterback. The Steelers are planning for the long term, and Wilson's return will likely reinstate him as the starting quarterback. Justin Fields has certainly made the most of his opportunity with the Pittsburgh Steelers during training camp. He has shown glimpses of talent and potential, but needs to achieve consistency and improvement in certain areas to secure a permanent role as the team's franchise quarterback. As the camp progresses and Wilson returns, it will be fascinating to see how Fields continues to evolve and grow in his role with the team.
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